
I am currently on a scholarship at my college.

Said scholarship requires I keep a GPA above 2.5, and until recently this has been a breeze. In fact, I maintained an overall average GPA of 3.6 throughout the six semesters I’d been there. That is, until I happened upon a bout of depression last semester.

That really made me apathetic toward two classes I never had any interest in to begin with. So what happened? I failed them both. Since I was only taking three classes, this really tugged my GPA down.

But I resolved to do better this semester. I even went the extra mile in the subject I’m the least interested in: math. I went to class every day, and I even recorded each class with my iPad so I could refer back to the instructor’s words when I studied for the tests.

It’s all dependent upon math as to whether or not I can continue receiving my scholarship. For the level of math I’m at, I was actually doing very well. I’ve never excelled at math, and my grade before the final was a C.

I’ll take that.

And in my other three classes? An A in each one. But this morning I received a an email from my math instructor informing me that I’d missed the final exam.

This was due to my general lack of organization. I had switched the math final with another class’s final (which didn’t end up having a final).

I had perfect attendance, turned in every assignment, and although my test scores weren’t those of a genius, I still managed to pull an average grade out of statistics.

But for all the math I’ve learned, I’m still having trouble calculating if a 2.61 GPA will fall below 2.5 if I receive three A’s and one F. I pray my math instructor will allow me some leniency due to my attendance. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’ll do.

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